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How to Submit a Bid
Start by reviewing the information below that outlines the expectations of a fleet/club to host a Catalina 22 National Championship Regatta. The expectations are high as this is a national championship regatta event where sailors and their families travel across the country to participate. If your fleet/club believes it can meet most of the expectations, then please submit a bid.
To submit a bid, complete the BID FORM on the national website and submit to the Association Secretary Dora McGee. It is preferable to submit the bid by January 1 in the year prior to the year you wish to host the National Championship Regatta. As part of the bid, you will need to identify the representative who will also serve as C22NSA Vice Commodore and their name will be added to the ballot for the next Board election (posted in the Spring MainBrace). You should also review the CHAMPIONSHIP REGATTA STANDARDS AND EXPECTATIONS document and the TIMELINE document for addition information and direction that should be considered when submitting a bid.
Below are some points of information to consider when preparing a bid for the opportunity to host the Catalina 22 National Regatta.
- Date - specify the chosen dates for hosting the regatta.
- Location - describe the sailing and surrounding area.
- Host Club - give a detailed description of the regatta site facilities. Include launching, trailer parking and dock space. Also include phone and fax numbers as well as website link.
- Climate - describe the average sunshine, rain, wind etc. for the time chosen for the regatta.
- Travel - give mileage distance for anticipated fleet participation.
- Lodging - give a list of local facilities including address, phone and website.
- Camping - if available, give specifics.
Vice Commodore information
- Sailing experience - include a short bio of the person selected to serve in this capacity
- Sponsors - will there be sponsors to help with the cost of the regatta?
- T-Shirts - will regatta shirts be available for purchase?
- Tentative Schedule - give a planned schedule of events for the whole regatta, including racing and social events.
- Off lake activities - will there be any organized activities for attendees that are not participating in the racing activities?
Important Deadlines:
- January 1 - Submit a bid to host the Nationals the following year; provide to Secretary/Treasurer Dora McGee.
- April 1 - Submit a bio of member who will serve as Vice Commodore; Bid is published in the Spring MainBrace; provide bio to Editor Rich Fox.
The Principal Race Officer (PRO) should be a currently certified US Sailing Advanced Race Officer and have a current edition of the US Sailing Race Management Handbook (RHM). Guidelines and procedures detailed in the RHM must be strictly followed. The PRO should be supported by at least three Mark Boat Officers (MBO’s). Preferably, these MBO’s are currently certified US Sailing Race Officers. One MBO should have responsibility for the weather mark, one MBO should have responsibility for the leeward mark, and one MBO should have responsibility for the start and finish line marks.
An emphasis is placed on the following:
- Make every effort to start at the scheduled time.
- When there has been a long postponement or when more than one race is to be sailed, alert boats via vhf (at least two announcements) or use of sound signals to alert boats that a race sequence will start soon.
- Postpone the start if a major wind shift is expected before boats will reach the weather mark the first time. Otherwise, start the race and correct the course if a shift occurs.
- Races should not be started in less than 4 knots of sustained wind.
- Races should not be started in excess of 25 knots of sustained wind. Once a race has been started and winds exceed 25 knots of sustained wind, the race should be abandoned unless most the fleet is on the last leg. If sustained wind exceeds 30 knots, the race should be abandoned at any point.
- Consider abandoning when there is significant danger to participants. This might include lightning, extreme winds or sea conditions, lack of race committee boats to provide assistance if needed, visibility problems, etc.
- Timing countdowns via VHF radio are encouraged.
- Line sighters should be anchored at both ends of the start line for determining OCS boats.
- Audio recording equipment (and video if possible) should be used continuously from one minute before the start until after the start or until all OCS boats have cleared the start line (or 4 minutes have elapsed after the start). The recording should be saved until the end of the regatta.
- Courses will be windward/leeward with an offset mark at the weather mark and a gate for the leeward mark.
- The courses can be either 4 legs (finish at committee boat) or 5 legs (finish above the weather mark).
- Start lines are leeward of the leeward mark or gate.
- Finish lines are leeward of the leeward mark or gate or to weather of the weather mark.
- The finish line will be on the opposite side of the RC Signal boat from the start line if finishing to leeward.
- The course length should be set to allow the fleet to finish in approximately one hour. In 10 knots. of wind, the course legs should be approximately 1 mile.
- See course diagram at the end of this document.
An excessive number of OCS boats is often the result of a start line that is too short or a start line that is not square to the wind. Make sure the start line is adequate length and is square to the wind allowing for any current.
- Shorten the course at the second or subsequent marks.
- Shorten a leg only after two legs have been completed.
Adjust course if the wind shifts in excess of 15 degrees.
The Race Committee shall prepare a summary of all actions affecting boats’ scores, i.e., OCS, DNS, DNF, TLE, etc., for each race. This summary shall be given to the chief judge as soon as possible after the conclusion of each race, and a copy shall be posted on the official notice board.
Event Management Requirements
The following infrastructure is to be provided by or catered for by the Event Organizer/Organizing Authority.
- All competing Catalina 22s shall be accommodated in marinas or moorings/docking accessible from the land. The boats should be grouped in the same area. Any other mooring/ docking arrangements proposed must be agreed with the C22NSA Board.
- If moorings are not available, Event Organizer shall furnish storage area and equipment for launching and recovery of boats.
- There will need to be moorings/docking for the Protest Committee and Photography boat close to the regatta offices.
- There must be secure trailer storage for all the trailers. It should be close to the regatta site and easily accessible. It should be controlled during launching and recovery to ensure a good flow of traffic. Parking should be available for the majority of participants very close to the regatta venue.
- There should be reserved parking for the race committee, Protest Committee and photographer if necessary.
- It is usual that there is relatively restricted room around the actual launch areas and therefore designated rigging and packing area away from the launching area is most useful.
- All boats on arrival should be sent to this area to generally sort out the boat.
- If there are no overhead obstructions, then the masts may be stepped.
- If there are overhead obstructions, please ensure there is clear signage and notification to competitors to this effect.
- Boat equipment measuring and/or weighing, and safety checks, should be carried out in this area. When a boat is ready, the competitor can move it to the launch area and take away the trailer.
- At the end of the regatta, the competitor can collect the trailer and when the boat has been recovered take the boat away to be packed up.
- If there are overhead obstructions, then the mast will need to be taken down immediately prior to retrieval.
- This system avoids the problem of owner’s vehicles blocking launch areas and keeps the flow smooth
- There shall be toilets, showers and changing facilities available at the event site.
- There shall be a boat repair facility, sailmaker/sail repair facility close to the event site.
- Plenty of rubbish collection containers shall be provided within this area. These should be emptied daily.
- There shall be a designated place for competitors meeting.
- There shall be a PA system audible throughout the main competitor social area.
- Food and drink shall be available at the event site before racing each day and there must be an easily accessible source of packed lunches and drinks to take afloat.
- Packed lunches including plenty of water shall be provided free to race officials, and Event Organizer volunteers.
- After racing, snacks and drinks should be available either at the event site or very close by.
- There should be a minimum of 3 social events including opening ceremony, mid-week event and gala dinner which may include the prize giving.
- Free nights should be established to allow the sailors to eat in local restaurants.
- The Event organizer should check venues for themselves and not rely on brochures.
- Dress code for the awards should be casual dress.
Spectator boat(s) should be made available. A questionnaire should be used with the entry form to determine needs.
- Spectator boats must be driven by qualified people who understand racing and the need to keep their boats clear of the race boats.
- Families often attend the event and there should be a list a local attractions and trips available.
- The Event Organizer shall provide the following equipment for use by the Event Equipment Inspector / Measurer
- Equipment required for detailed equipment inspection as specified by the class chief measurer.
- The Event Organizer shall provide an equipment inspection area available throughout the event, including sail measurement tables and other furniture as agreed with National Measurer.
- This shall be clean, dry and weatherproof as well as furnished with one table, sufficient quantity of chairs and electrical connections for laptop power cables.
- There shall be a separate room where arbitration can take place.
- The Protest Committee room shall be secure and able to be locked so that Protest Committee members can leave personal belongings in the room.
- Notices shall be easily visible to competitors & officials; but impossible to remove except by authorized personnel.
- The following notice boards are required and shall be titled as such:
- Official Notice Board
- Protest Committee
- Results
- Class Notices
- Updated provisional results should be posted, with accumulated points, on the official notice board and the event website as soon as they are processed.
- The scorer shall remain on site to await the Protest Committee decisions.
- A final set of results shall be posted as soon as the Protest Committee decisions have been processed and before the scorer leaves the site.
One official flagpole shall be provided close to the race office and easily visible from the mooring/docking area for purposes of notices ashore.
- A Competitor briefing shall be held before racing commences.
- The Race Officers and members of the Protest Committee shall be present.
- It shall be held inside in a suitable area with PA system to ensure that everything can be heard.
- The Sailing Instructions should be available for sailors to have read them well before the briefing to be able to ask any questions. These shall be put in writing and answers should be published on the official notice board.
- If a race committee briefing is held during the event for any reason, the US Sailing Judge shall be present.
- It is recommended that the race committee meet before racing each day.
- The race committee may also want to meet after racing each day.
- The race committee shall be large enough to undertake all tasks necessary without the need to double up on jobs.
- The race committee must have the experience to run the racing for the regatta.
- There shall be separate personnel and equipment for
- Mark Laying
- Mark position recording
- Safety/Support boats
- Signals
- Committee & pin end (& mid-line) boat line sighting
- Finish recording
- Race course communication
- Results transmission to the shore
- Final race results posting
- There shall be a person capable of speaking clear English to give VHF announcements to the fleet.
- The US Sailing Judge reserves the right to add additional personnel of their appointment to the race committee.
- The race committee may appoint an inspector to inspect any boat after any race.
- The US Sailing Judge shall be the chairman of the Protest Committee.
- The race committee chairman shall select the Protest Committee with the approval of the Protest Committee chairman.
- Course Marks shall be a minimum 4 feet high and either round or tetrahedral in shape. They shall be bright orange, yellow, lime green or a very visible alternative color. ..
- Finish line marks may be a minimum of 2-1/2 feet high and shall be clearly distinguished from the course marks and easily visible.
- All ground tackle shall be capable of holding, for prolonged periods, in 30 knots of wind.
- RC boats shall be capable of staying anchored on station in up to 30 knots of wind, for prolonged periods.
- RC boats shall be clearly marked and easily identified and able to operate in very rough conditions.
- RC Boats shall be equipped with good sound signaling equipment.
- The following are the requirements for boats per course area:
- Starting signal vessel (Signal Boat)
- Large weatherproof yacht or motorboat capable of carrying all flags specified in the Sailing Instructions, preferably with two drive units for holding station.
- Port end start boat and gate control boats
- Fast dry all weather boats.
- Starboard end start boat (if needed for 3 boat starting line)
- Fast dry all weather boats.
- Windward Mark set control boats
- Mark recording boats
- Fast dry boats for moving marks quickly.
- Safety/support boats
- Fast dry boats capable of operating in all-weather to assist in case of accident or emergency.
- Starting signal vessel (Signal Boat)
- The racing area should be capable of at least one nautical mile weather leg with ample room away from shore.
- The anticipated tide should be no more than 2 knots.
- The center of the racing area should be no more than 4 miles from the moorings/marina.
- There should be no obstruction or hazards in the race area, including weeds.
- Water depth shall be such that the race committee can set/alter the course without undue problem or delay to the racing schedule. Minimum water depth should be ten feet.
- The holding ground shall be such that marks will hold in 30 knots of wind.
Mean wind speeds for an acceptable course area shall be between 4 and 25 knots for the period of the event. Minimum wind speed to start a race should be 4 knots. Maximum wind speed at the start of a race should not be in excess of 25 knots.
- The course will be a windward leeward course with a leeward gate.
- The course can be 4 legs (leeward finish) or 5 legs (windward finish).
- 2-3 Races per day is normal practice.
- The total length of race should be around 60-80 minutes.
- A windward offset mark shall be laid.
- The Offset Mark should be positioned approximately seven to eight boat length from the windward mark, and in ideal conditions approximately 10-15 degrees downwind. The boats should be able to bear away but not set the whisker pole or spinnaker.
- A gate shall be used at the leeward end of a windward leeward course; the gate should be set a minimum of 7 boat lengths apart, but no more than 9, in such a way that there is no advantage either side.
- There should always be a minimum of 2 downwind legs.
- Marks shall be rounded to port.
- Dog leg finishes shall not be used.
- Recall signals will be displayed from RC signal boat.
- All recalls shall be voice recorded and the RC will make every effort to announce over the VHF.
In general, it is accepted that if there is a wind shift of 25 degrees or more on the first leg that the Principal Race Officer should abandon the race. After any boats have completed the first leg, every effort should be made to change the course to adjust for significant wind shifts rather than abandonment.
- Buoys indicating the end of the finish line should be clearly visible.
- Care should be taken with Dan buoys with small flags which are rarely sufficient.
Protest time limits under the RRS are based on the time of the RC finish boat’s dock arrival time. Approximately one hour from this point should give more than enough time for protests to be lodged.
- Results must be sent ashore as soon as possible after each race.
- Copies of provisional results for fleets should be available to all competitors as soon as possible after returning to shore.
- Provisional and final results should be posted on the Catalina 22 NSA website as soon as possible. If the host fleet has a website, results can be posted there as well with links to the Catalina22 NSA website.
If the race committee intends to start another race on the same day, it should display a designated signal (with no sound) while boats are finishing.
- VHF transmissions to the competitors to efficiently communicate the RC intentions are encouraged and expected by the class.
- All competitors choose whether to carry a VHF, and it is not the responsibility of the race committee to check this.
- Ensure that information (timings and numbers) be in clear English.
- Recall information given by VHF shall be done so promptly.
- Bow numbers shall be supplied by the host fleet, at a minimum height of 10 inches. Colors should be able to accommodate both white and dark hulled boats. When possible, also include colored ribbons to designate Gold and Silver fleets. Colored ribbons to be placed on the end of the boom to differentiate the two fleets.
- Gold Fleet bow numbers should start with the #1 and Silver Fleet bow numbers beginning with the #60. This will allow the Race Committee to visually see the difference in fleet designations.
- Bow numbers “1-10” will be allocated to the previous year’s top 10 finishers in order of their respective places. All others to be subsequent numbers on a first come first served basis.
- Mark rounding lists should be made and kept for every mark of every race.
- The RC boat shall keep paper and tape-recorded records of every start in every race. Each race’s information shall be stored by the RC until after the regatta ends.
- A paper and tape or digital audio recording shall be made of each finish.
- Recalls shall be spotted from both ends of the line.
- A US Sailing certified PRO will be in charge of all racing. His/her name and history of regatta experience will be provided to the C22 NSA Commodore and C22 NSA Board prior to approval.
- A US Sailing certified judge will be available. His/her name and history of regatta experience will be provided to the C22 NSA Commodore and C22 NSA Board prior to approval.
It will be the responsibility of the C22 National Commodore and Board to properly scrutinize the request to hold the National Championship. This should include an examination and evaluation of the PRO and Judge, reviewing the information of the proposed site, both on shore and on the water, and the schedule of events. The Board will follow on a regular basis the progress of planning and organizing done by the host club utilizing whatever method might be deemed appropriate by the Board.
This must be the hub of the event management. It must be accessible to the sailors and must be able to answer questions and direct competitors, as necessary. Pertinent information should include:
- Leaflets about local tourist attractions.
- Details on launching and recovery.
- Directions to nearest boatyard and sail makers.
- List of local restaurants including phone numbers.
- Useful phone numbers:
- Doctor.
- Hospital
- Dentist
- Physiotherapist
- Chandlers
- Boat Builders
- Sail makers
- Riggers
- Local garages
The hosting fleet will provide a minimum of 3 racing trophies for each participating fleet (IE: Gold, Silver, Spinnaker).
- All competitors shall have completed the standard entry form to ensure that the important information is at hand for Race Management.
- Online entry is now becoming the norm and details should be checked upon receipt.
- Acknowledgment of entry should be sent to the competitor with information on directions to the club, area of boat storage and Registration Office opening times.
- Advance online registration for those elements of registration that can be completed in advance of arrival on site is now becoming the norm.
- As sailors register for the event, the following should be checked:
- Class Membership
- Organizers must check and make sure C22 NSA membership has been confirmed and skipper is in good standing according to the Class Rules. A list of membership will be provided by secretary, or other board member, of the C22NSA.
- Boat Insurance
- Organizers must check that they have a signed declaration as part of the entry that the boat carries Third Party insurance.
- Organizers are strongly advised not to inspect certificates, as according to some legal opinions an indication that the organizers will require to see proof of insurance may make the organizers liable in the event the boat's insurance is invalid.
- Boat's Measurement Certificate
- A current Measurement Certificate is mandatory.
- Without a valid Measurement Certificate, a Catalina 22 is not officially entitled to race.
- Certificates must be carefully checked.
- The organizers should keep a copy of each Boat's Measurement Certificate with the entry form as a thorough check may be impossible during registration. If a competitor fails to produce his certificate or has forgotten it refer to rule 78.2.
- A Measurement Certificate must:
- Be issued in the name of the current owner.
- Be endorsed or issued by the Catalina 22 National Measurer.
- The certificate is signed by the owner.
- Class Membership
Competitor’s Event Addresses
- If the details have not been supplied on the entry form, it must now be completed with the contact details.